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Trying to be BFFs with Instagram’s algorithm is basically like navigating a maze designed by an overly-involved helicopter parent who still makes your daily schedule and curates your friend group.
Its rules seem to change every other day and just when you think you’re in the clear to post that experimental artistic undies photo series hashtagged #moodygrams, it throws you back in time out.
But being completely at the mercy of the mysterious algorithm doesn’t have to be your fate.
With some key insights into how Instagram curates your feed in 2024, you can use a few Jedi mind tricks to ensure your content gets the engagement it deserves.
Let’s take a look under the hood to explore how you can get this temperamental algorithm to play nice.
The Instagram algorithm takes into account several factors when deciding what content to grace your followers’ feeds with, including:
The algorithm is constantly shapeshifting, which means content that was hot yesterday might be ice cold today. You’ve got to keep up with what’s trending to catch that sweet wave of engagement.
Succeeding with Instagram requires understanding how the algorithm works across its three main features:
This is the bread and butter — the posts you see when aimlessly scrolling during that 2 PM work energy lull. The algorithm decides the order of these posts based on:
Instagram really wants you watching Stories, so they display frequently viewed accounts prominently at the top of your Story feed. Stories you see first depend on the following:
Short-form vertical videos are giving TikTok a run for its money. The algorithm considers:
If you want the algorithm to show your stellar content to the masses, you’ve got to play by the rules. Here are 5 hacks to master:
Reply to comments on your posts and engage actively with your community. This signals to the algorithm that people dig your content so it should reach more folks.
Blend trending audios, effects, and humor into short entertaining videos — Instagram is highlighting Reels content so take advantage.
Target specific communities like #InstagramMarketers rather than broader tags like #socialmedia for better engagement reach.
Ask devoted followers to add you to their Favorites list of 50 accounts so your posts appear higher in their feeds.
Team up with a complementary creator to double your audiences and build authority around shared content.
The key is staying nimble as Instagram launches new features and shifts priorities. Keep calm and algorithm on, friends. Consistently creating engaging content your audience loves is the ultimate way to win.
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